Hi, I'm Barbara,
an english-speaking Master-Lifecoach for empaths.
I do coachings in Zurich, Ramosch and online.
An empath myself, I have experienced the great gift of it as well as the challenges, both in my professional and personal life.
I have worked as a teacher first, then as a trainer and master-coach at the Swiss Coaching Institute. Currently I'm self-employed and live in the Engadine mountains - close to my partner Mathias, with whom I enjoy a very happy, growth-stimulating and fulfilling relationship.
What I probably enjoy most is transforming problems into stepping stones for growth and maturing. I perceive life as a big learning-playground that offers just the situations we need for our next step of development.
I appreciate truthfulness and acknowledging what is - because it's the foundation for real change.
Beyond the specialization in empathy, my core competence involves working with the big questions of life:
Who am I? What am I here for? How can I become what I am meant to be?
Having walked through these questions myself, I offer my companionship to those intersted in not only transforming a current issue, but using it for profound growth, self-actualization and awakening.
In the coachings I use a broad spectrum of methods. They serve to dissolve burdening emotions and stress stored in the cellular memory, to unearth precious aha's and to empower into the next action step that feels true.
Find out more about my training, and what clients say here.
​What I love, besides my partner:
inspiring conversations with friends, deep meditation, my work, forest-walks, cuddling animals, aha-moments, laughing together and the Engadine mountains.
Coaching for empaths and people who want to become their full Self
Coaching-packages & tailormade offers
Being an empath and able to perceive what others feel is a precious gift. But there are also traps that come with it - like for example loosing oneself while relating to others, overstepping ones own boundaries, attempting to fix and save others, or getting entagled in toxic dynamics with narcissists.
These relationship-challenges of empaths are my special field.
Single Coaching Session:
free 30 minutes getting to know each other
private clients 180 CHF / 60 min
For questions and appointments: contact
online, in Zurich or in Ramosch
Packages come at advantageous rates and allow you to keep unused time for another day.
Package "rising wolf" (3 Sessions, 90 min each)
goal: turning around a smaller, specific life situation
720 CHF
special offer until the 19th of Jan: 620 CHF
Package "roaring lion" (5 Sessions, 90 min each)
goal: solving the issue while also achieving substantial inner growth
1125 CHF
special offer until the 19th of Jan: 980 CHF
Package "flying eagle" (7 Sessions)
for profound growth and establishing new, empowering lifepatterns
1450 CHF
special offer until the 19th of Jan: 1290 CHF
Other offers:
Workshops and retreats for groups
"The purpose of life is self-development. To realise one's nature fully - that is what we are here for."
Oscar Wilde